Hello Reader, Engage Others in Common Goals and VisionsAs a leader, you cannot achieve everything alone. You must involve others in your endeavors to succeed and make a positive impact. Collaborating on mutual agendas and common visions can create a shared purpose and ownership that inspires your team. Here are some action steps you can take to involve and engage others in your leadership efforts:
Involving and engaging others in your leadership efforts is essential for success. Create a motivated, committed team invested in your mutual agenda and common vision. |
Become a better leader without being a jerk with this Boston-bred, California-chilled Leadership Advisor, Writer, & Podcast Host
Hi Reader, I'm curious: How have recent events impacted your organization's culture, and what leadership initiatives are you working on? Have you considered collaborating with Karl Bimshas Consulting to strengthen your team's resilience and adaptability in the face of these challenges? Reply to this email with your leadership challenges or wins, and let me know if there's an opportunity to help you strengthen yourself or your team. The Pro-Democracy Leadership Guide This free guide offers a...
Reflections on Leadership — February 2025 Recap Hi Reader, Here’s a recap of leadership articles, tips, and merch. Karl Bimshas Consulting shared in February. If you’re a frequent reader, please share your thoughts via the Content Satisfaction Survey. We’d love to know what you think so we can make the content we produce valuable to you. Before we get started, here's the date for the next SparkLab Summit: REGISTER HERE February Articles 7 Excuses You Make To Keep You from Leading Many people...
Hi Reader, Are you ready to take control of your leadership and career with confidence, clarity, and purpose? Lead with Purpose is a 12-week, action-focused program to help you break free from reactive leadership and reach your potential. GO TO THE WEBSITE AND SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS This isn’t your typical leadership theory course. It offers a practical, straightforward leadership development approach based on self-awareness, strategic action, and real-world application. You’ll acquire the...